

Dual oven specification

Ability : 30 chickens.

Material : Stainless Steel.

Measures : 1.38 x 0.83 x 2.00 mm 54 1/3 x (32 1/2 x 78)

Approximate weight : 580 kg (127 lbs. )

Approximate cooking time : 50-60 min

Maximum Temperature : 300 C

Operating temperature : 200 C / 220 C

Motor : 1/3 hp

Voltage : 110 V

Dual Oven Specification

Ability : 48 chickens.

Material : Stainless Steel.

Measures : 1.58 x 0.83 x 2.00 mm ( 62 x 32 1/2 x 78 )

Approximate weight : 580 kg ( 127 lbs. )

Approximate cooking time : 50-60 min

Maximum temperature : 300 C

Operating temperature : 200 C / 220 C

Motor : 1/3 hp

Voltage : 110 V


Meets all the requirements to work in the United State.

Charcoal Oven


Gas Oven


Charcoal and Gas